Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Paris Hilton is Overpriced!

In 2006, Paris Hilton starred in National Lampoon movie series, called "Pledge This!". This movie was a big flop, earned only £2.7 million and was screened in only 25 theaters. This caused the producers wanted some of their money that they invested in this movie back, thus filed a charge to Paris Hilton, the main cast.

In 2009, the investors tried to sue Hilton for $8.3 million but were overthrown by US District Judge Federico Moreno. Now, they are attempting to get back the amount that they paid to signed Paris Hilton to played in their movie, $1 million.

They were claimed that Hilton failed to properly promote the movie and instead was promoting herself. As a defense in court, the attorney from the investors side claimed that she is not an actress but rather a celebrity, and celebrities only promote themselves.

Film investors also claimed she ignored at least nine requests for interviews as well as other key promotional events, therefore violating her contract. Some included refusals to appear on popular talk shows, radio and press interviews in the US, UK, Japan, Russia, and Germany.

Hilton’s attorney Michael Weinstein spoke on her behalf and stated that she has met many request from the film’s producers and was sometimes unable to meet their demands due to her hectic schedule, including one at the Cannes Film Festival.

"Paris Hilton is a brand. That is her value, and how she makes money," he said. "She did substantial publicity."

Celebrity or socialite, not an actress

What I don't understand, why did those producers want to invest $1 million to signed Paris Hilton in the first place?

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