Saturday, June 26, 2010

Russell Crowe Tries Hard to Quit Smoking

Almost all of showbiz fans know that Russell Crowe is a heavy smoker. He admitted have been smoking since he was 10-year-old. Russell Crowe is 46-year-old right now, it means he never stop smoking for 36-consecutive-years!

Ironically, Crowe became popular after playing real-life tobacco-industry whistle-blower Jeffrey Wigand in 1999's "The Insider", which brought the actor his first Oscar nomination.

Earlier in this month, he tweeted about how he tried hard to stop smoking. Only been couple of days, he already felt so struggle, “Day 2 has been much harder than yesterday. My skin is really salty and I’m coughing a lot. Patches, inhaler, gum – I’ve got all the crutches. Odd subconscious things, moving ashtrays closer to me. Checking my pockets for lighters. Just have to stay with it.” said Crowe on his twitter page.

The Australian actor also said that he also tried to stop drinking coffee, thinking that those two habits are somehow connected.

Well, it never too late to stop all your bad habits. Good luck to you, Russell!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian Have Gone Too Far

Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian has been tweeting each other for a while. It started when Bieber said that he want to date mature woman, and Kim Kardashian is the girl of his dream.

The pair then met at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, speaking and teasing each other, and then take a photos together. Justin Bieber later updated his twitter with their photo and said that "she is my girlfriend".

In the other hand, Kim also gave a warm respond to Bieber, declared her love for the singer on that social networking site, "I officially have Bieber Fever!!," said Kim.

These so-called relationship between these two makes Justin Bieber's fans angry, threatened to kill Kim Kardshian if she ever touch Bieber. This is silly of course, considering that most of Bieber fans are child/teenage in the age of 10-14.

More looks like a mother with her son?

On last Sunday, June 13, they've been spotted taking a splash together in the beach of Bahama. Justin Bieber (16) and Kim Kardashian (29) are both staying at The Cove Resort at the luxurious Atlantis on Paradise Island.

The meet-up comes after Justin spent the previous night performing a concert at The Cove Resort following a long day of waterfront fun and basketball.

Meanwhile, Kim spent her Saturday lounging poolside with her gal pals in Miami following a big bachelorette party the previous day, which was also attended by Christina Aguilera.

Later, they did a photoshoot session together on the beach, Kardashian was spotted splashing Bieber with water, while visitors were enjoying their intimate activity. They were also cutely holding each other hands.

Bieber's worshiper need no worry, because they were just working together and seem just like to fooling around with everyone (at least for Kim). But maybe after the "death-threats" to Kim, this joke has gone too far?

Getting Bieber's fans even more jealous, earlier that day, Kardashian boasted that she had a chance to mess up Bieber's signature hair. With message read "My dream! I messed up @JustinBieber 's hair!!!!!", the 29-year-old socialite posted a photo showing her fiddling with Bieber's hair.

Kim mess with Bieber's hair, pics from her Twitter page

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 Hottest Celebs After 50

A while ago I posted about Morgan Fairchild who looks good despite her age that almost reach 60. Now, she isn't the only actress that look hot in thiri 50's. We also got Susan Sarandon, Madonna, Sharon Stone, Kim Catrall, and Dana Delaney. There are still some other names, but we'll get to them some other time.

You know, what's the resemblance of those names above? They're all still single and looking for to date a younger boys! Woohooo!

1. Susan Sarandon (born October 4, 1946)

In her 63th age, Susan Sarandon still looks amazing, especially her boobs. An example of a natural beauty, no plastic surgery or botox injection to fight her aging. She is a former vegetarian, but still not eating a lot of meat. Her table tennis hobby also helps her bone strength.

Susan Sarandon is out of luck in her love life though, having broke up with his partner Tim Robbins in 2009, after together for 21 years. She also still active in the showbiz, at least every year we still see her new movies. Her upcoming movies will be Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010).

2. Madonna (born August 16, 1958)

Will be 52 this year, Madonna still looks very energetic on the stage. Never confirmed to have any plastic surgery, but still suspected, especially in her hand area that always aging faster than face. It doesn't matter though, because Madonna is known as one of the most sexiest of all time in showbiz.

Her main recipe would be yoga. She said that she's feeling her body like a body of someone in her 20's thanks to yoga and healthy lifestyle. Her last album, Hard Candy, came in 2008. She also still actives in the world tour.

Currently have an on-off relationship with Jesus Luz, Brazilian model that half of her age. Nice catch!

3. Sharon Stone (born March 10, 1958)

Sharon Stone's body probably all fake because of her implant and surgery, although she never confirmed it. Anyway, she's very proud with her body that she still bare it all every time she had a chance. She's 62 now, and started to showing interest in bi-sexuality, said "Middle age is an open-minded period."

Still an active actress, but no recent hits by her.

4. Kim Catrall (born August 21, 1956)

Kim Catrall is 53 right now, and she did vow couple years ago to never have any surgery:

I had a great time in my youth and I still feel youthful. But I’ve no desire to look as though I’m in my 20s,’ Kim, who played Samantha in the hit US show, tells the Daily Express.

I don’t think I’d try plastic surgery. I’d be too frightened I’d end up not looking like myself. I don’t want to look in the mirror and see The Joker from Batman staring back at me!

Kim is currently single right now, and her last movie Sex and The City 2 still in the box office list right now.

5. Dana Delaney (born March 13, 1956)

No surgery, no augmentation for Dana Delaney's beauty in her 54th age, just yoga, red wine, and vitamin D from sunshine. Been active in TV series since 1970's, her newest hits is Desperate Housewives series.

Dana Delaney also still single, and looking forward to getting married to someone that she doesn't know yet.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Miley Cyrus is Wild and Can't Be Tamed

Miley Cyrus is having a European tour to promote her new upcoming album, "Can't Be Tamed". This album plans to be released on June 22, 2010, while its single already released on May 18, and entered the Billboard Hot 100 at number eight.

With the release of this album, Miley Cyrus officially want to left her teenage status and enter the more sexy adulthood image. The music video and lyrics of the album's lead single, "Can't Be Tamed", portrays a more sexualized image of this 17-year-old actress/singer.

Miley Cyrus at Rock in Rio, Madrid

In her concert at the Rock in Rio festival in Madrid, Spain on Sunday (June 6), the Hannah Montana star wore a tight lingerie-style outfit to show her curves and cleavage. She was also performing wild on the stage in front of approx. 36,000 guests.

Miley Cyrus at G-A-Y Heaven, London

One day before her concert in Spain, Miley Cyrus was performing in G-A-Y nightclub in London, England on Saturday night. She used a dress that too hot for her age and in one moment she also had a lesbo kiss with one of her dancers. She departed to Spain in Sunday morning with her mother, Tish, from Heathrow Airport, London.

Miley Cyrus European Rock Concert Tour at the end of last month

How do you think, is she's still underage too performing like that and wearing that kind of outfits? Or it's about time?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Matt Damon is in Love with His Wife

"Somebody said to me recently, 'Wow, you really love marriage.' and I said, 'No. I think marriage is ridiculous; I think it's a totally ridiculous idea. I love being married to my wife - she's the best thing that ever happened to me, but if she ever left me, I wouldn't do it again. Because it's crazy - to spend your life with one person and not be totally driven crazy."

Those words by Matt Damon shows how much he loves his wife, Luciana Bozan Barroso. Matt Damon, 39-year-old, can be set as a role model for younger generation, either for celebrities or "common" people. Besides a family man, we know how high is Matt Damon sense of social activities, like when he brought water to Africa.

Matt Damon and wife at the Invictus Premiere. Photo from fOTOGLIF

Matt Damon and the Argentinian Luciana Bozan Barroso got married in a private civil ceremony at the Manhattan Marriage Bureau near New York City Hall on December 9, 2005. Matt first met her while he was filming "Stuck on You" two years earlier in Miami where she worked as a bartender.

Matt Damon will welcome a fourth child in his family. His wife is pregnant and due in fall. He already has two daughters, Isabella and Gia Zavala, together with Luciana. He also becomes a step-father for Luciana's girl from her previous marriage, Alexia.

Before married, Matt Damon dated his "Good Will Hunting" co-star Minnie Driver. He later had a two-year relationship with actress Winona Ryder. From 2001 to 2003, he dated Odessa Whitmire, a former personal assistant of Billy Bob Thornton and Ben Affleck.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Megan Fox Just Being Herself

Here it is, another news about Megan Fox and her celebrity lifestyle; don't even try to understand about Megan Fox personality. Sometime she can looks like a sweet and innocent girl, while most of the time she is completely bitchy and speaks in alien language.

Unfortunately for us, this time it's her second personality which takes control. She'll appear again as the cover story for June 2010 Allure magazine. It's not about the photos in the magazine, because we all know how hot Megan Fox is.

It's about her quotes when she was interviewed. Trying to know what's inside her mind is like trying to decipher Dan Brown's novels. These are some of Megan Fox's newest quotes:

Megan on nude photo leak:
“If I knew who took this picture, I would personally cause them harm – physical harm. I’m not a f***ing reality TV star that’s courting the paparazzi and wants my fucking picture taken all the time. I’m at my job and I’m trying to play a character and I’m trying to be serious, and this is the shit that’s happening to me. It makes me furious.”

Megan Fox hates cooking:
“I’ll starve to death before I’ll cook for myself. I think I could survive a week without eating. I’ll eat the same thing every day for two months and then never eat it again. I did that with Life cereal. I ate it every day for so long that the thought of it makes me upset,” she told the mag. “The only person I enjoy cooking for is my boyfriend’s son. I like arranging it on his little plate…. I like cooking for kids, for some reason.”

Megan Fox hates public toilets:
“Every time someone uses a bathroom and they flush, all the bacteria is shot into the air."

Megan Fox and restaurant silverware:
"Putting my mouth where a million other mouths have been, just knowing all the bacteria that you carry in your mouth? Ucch!”

Megan Fox on recommending someone have plastic surgery:
“I would encourage anyone to first speak with a therapist, to try and figure out where this want comes from, because a lot of times it’s not related to your teeth or your nose or your chin — the surgery is not going to alleviate that insecurity for you. If, then, you feel, ‘This is something that I want to do’, then do it. It’s amazing that we have the technology to do the stuff that we do.”

Megan is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):
“This is a sickness, I have an illness — this is not OK anymore.”

Megan Fox on how she curses a lot during interviews:
“I was trying to be lighthearted and have a sense of humor. But I have no desire to express it, really, anymore, because I’ve always been f***ed doing so.”

How Megan Fox de-stresses:
“Just being able to be at home, and light my candles and my incense, and just be isolated and shut everyone out except the people that I’m close to and be in a family environment and have some semblance of a normal life.”

Friday, May 21, 2010

Samuel L. Jackson is Addicted to Golf

Samuel L. Jackson loves playing golf, a game that he has become very proficient at. Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to take a day off for playing golf during production, at least twice a week.

Producers also have to agree to pay for his course fees before he signs up for films.

He says, "It's part of my perk package... Two days off, they have to pay for it. Generally, the way they make that happen is they just move me onto a golf course when they send me to town."

"My assistant generally has the responsibility of finding the new courses, setting up the tee times and giving me the directions."

Playing golf with former President Clinton

Interesting facts about Samuel L. Jackson and golf:
  • He stated that the golf course is the only place where he "can go dressed as a pimp and fit in perfectly".
  • During filming of "Star Wars II," he carried his light saber in his golf bag. "I had to practice whenever I could because there were 109 movements to learn. The light saber was about the length of a driver and weighed about the same, too.", he stated.
  • Played with Tiger Woods at St. Andrews
  • Started playing golf after watched "Dead Solid Perfect", which according to him is the best golf movie ever.