Saturday, June 26, 2010

Russell Crowe Tries Hard to Quit Smoking

Almost all of showbiz fans know that Russell Crowe is a heavy smoker. He admitted have been smoking since he was 10-year-old. Russell Crowe is 46-year-old right now, it means he never stop smoking for 36-consecutive-years!

Ironically, Crowe became popular after playing real-life tobacco-industry whistle-blower Jeffrey Wigand in 1999's "The Insider", which brought the actor his first Oscar nomination.

Earlier in this month, he tweeted about how he tried hard to stop smoking. Only been couple of days, he already felt so struggle, “Day 2 has been much harder than yesterday. My skin is really salty and I’m coughing a lot. Patches, inhaler, gum – I’ve got all the crutches. Odd subconscious things, moving ashtrays closer to me. Checking my pockets for lighters. Just have to stay with it.” said Crowe on his twitter page.

The Australian actor also said that he also tried to stop drinking coffee, thinking that those two habits are somehow connected.

Well, it never too late to stop all your bad habits. Good luck to you, Russell!

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